
On Sunday, February 28th, as the choir sang at  St. Peter’s Missionary Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio, the Pastor, Rev. Dr. William Schooler, left the pulpit and headed to his study. He was followed by another man, his brother Daniel. Parishoners heard shots coming from the study and some fled the church. Emergency personnel were […]


Find out how you can be your sister's keeper at work.

According to an article on the Black Enterprise Magazine’s website blackenterprise.com, Black women are starting up businesses at a rate 6 times the national average; in fact the number of businesses owned by Black women increased from 1 in 6 back in 1997 to 1 in 3 in 2015. Businesses owned by non-minority women increased by […]

With the recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the nation is on the brink of what could turn out to be one of the most contentious appointments in history. Appointed by Ronald Reagan, Scalia was staunchly conservative and interpreted the constitution closely. He was also notoriously anti-abortion, pro-death penalty and anti-affirmative action. Just weeks before […]

Melissa Harris-Perry is the perfect example of progressive Black Women making waves in today’s world. She epitomizes what having it all looks like. She holds a Doctorate Degree, is the Maya Angelou Presidential Chair at Wake Forest University, leads a nation of #Nerdland followers, is a mother and a wife, and, until recently, the host of […]


Learn the tricks to keeping it discreet.

A few weeks ago, President Barack Obama continued his efforts to raise awareness and seek solutions to close the pay gap that exists between women and men. He did so by unveiling new rules to compel companies with more than 100 workers to provide the federal government with annual data noting how much their employees are […]


Make your resume stand out from the pack with these expert tips.

Adjusting to life after having a baby is not easy. But add in the return to your old responsibilities and it's a recipe for a breakdown.


It always feels like we’re making strides as a community and culture, until a study comes out telling us, but wait, there’s more. Not that all the data should be taken at face value, but it’s important to be aware of the messages being put out there. Take, for example, this recent study that says […]

Being busy has, unfortunately, become a way of life. Sometimes, it seems we are constantly rushing from one thing to the next, always trying to fit as much as we can into our day without losing our minds. We have jobs, family, homes and friends to juggle, and 24 hours in the day can go […]

"We're very colorful, we're very haughty, we're very prideful," Smith said on being a Black woman. "And I think for me, that level of expectation is very high."