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The excessive heat warning for Philadelphia and surrounding counties has been extended to 8PM Saturday night. In the meantime check out how to handle the heat wave below:

1. Avoid caffeine and alcohol– Both caffeine and alcohol can dehydrate the body, which is the last thing you need when temperatures rise.

2. Tone it down-Healthy people who are active during the day should shift outdoor activities to the early morning or evening and also consider going to the gym instead of running outdoors.

3. Don’t forget humidity-If you must work out outdoors, remember to check humidity levels, which can add a few degrees to the heat index. If it is 85 degrees and greater than 70% humidity, then your body is going to have a hard time cooling off.

4. Don’t leave kids or pets in cars-Even if you’re only going to be a few minutes, the temperature inside a car can quickly rise to above 100 degrees. Children and pets can’t sweat enough to cool off, so they are more vulnerable to the rising temperatures in a closed car.

5. Check in on the elderly– The elderly already have less tolerance to heat due to their age and they typically take pills that can dehydrate the body. Making sure that elderly people drink enough water and that they turn on their air conditioning is important.


Heat-related sickness can lead to nausea, dizziness, confusion, headaches and rapid heartbeat.


Source: Yahoo Weather

Photo Credit: Praise Philly

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