Washington Post congressional reporter Paul Kane tweeted an apology to his 10,000 followers late Monday after editors mistakenly published a story headlined "Biden to launch presidential campaign," according to Politico.

As the 2016 presidential race kicks into high-gear we decided to get in the groove by helping candidates pick their campaign theme songs.

Friends, family and loved ones will gather early Friday afternoon to pay their last respects to South Carolina State Senator Clementa Pinckney. Pinckney, one of nine killed in the June 17 shooting at Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, was also the pastor of the storied African American house of worship. This week, thousands of people […]

Our prayers go out to Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden on the passing of their son Joseph “Beau” Biden III. Biden lost his battle to brain cancer and passed away Saturday at age 46. “Beau” Biden III leaves behind his wife, Hallie; Natalie and Hunter, his two children; as well […]

President Barack Obama has officially named Ron Klain, a former chief of staff to Vice President Joe Biden, as the Ebola Czar! Klain will be the point person when dealing with questions regarding the Ebola virus and the government’s response to those questions. “Like” me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/theangelofinspiration or follow me on Twitter @cecemcghee. […]


I missed the first one.  When Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as our first African-American president with an agenda that I believed passionately in,…

Monday night, I attended one of two balls that were held to celebrate President Barack Obama‘s swearing in on Monday afternoon. Called “The Inaugural Ball,”…

Monday, Jan. 21 Ceremonial swearing-in-Capitol Hill, 11:30 a.m. EST The order of the program: Musical selections: The U.S. Marine Band Musical selections: P.S. 22, Staten Island in N.Y., and Lee University Festival Choir, Cleveland, Tenn. Call to order and welcoming remarks: Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. Invocation: Myrlie Evers-Williams Musical selection: Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Oath of […]

Sunday at the Naval Observatory, Vice-President Joe Biden took the oath of office for a second term; in an official swearing-in ceremony right after a prayer. See below: Source and Photo Credit: http://www.elev8.com

WASHINGTON– Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that the country is evolving on the issue of gay marriage and he thinks it’s inevitable there will be national consensus. He said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” the same thing is happening with the issue of marriage that happened with gays’ service in the military. Changes in […]