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By Boyce Watkins, PhD (

Someone sent me a video that got my attention faster than you can say. It is alleged to be a video playing the voice of the “great” Creflo Dollar, the mega pastor with more money than some people think a pastor should have. In the audio, Pastor Dollar is allegedly stating that if he was not “covered in the blood of Jesus,” he would have non-tithing parishioners shot by a firing squad.

Let’s be clear: It’s possible that this audio was fraudulently created by someone seeking to embarrass Pastor Dollar (although it does appear to be his voice). Not everyone respects his work in ministry and someone may be seeking to sabotage him. In that regard, I invite Pastor Dollar or his staff to respond to the video with their own explanation.

With that being said, the words I heard in the audio were quite disturbing, and might articulate beliefs held by many pastors. But the idea that a multi-millionaire pastor who owns a private jet would allegedly want to murder poor people for not giving him money is clearly beyond problematic. Additionally, it leads one to question the legitimacy of any church where wealth appears to be the central theme and focus of the so-called spiritual leader — which is true of many black mega-churches.

Click HERE to hear the audio for yourself.

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