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By Darryl Izzard

‘Tis the season to be jolly right… but did you know that a large number of people feel extremely lonely and actually dread the holidays? If you are one of these people, don’t fret. You don’t have to be lonely anymore. In fact, you can have the best Christmas holiday ever this year full of happiness and contentment. Here are five tips below to help you conquer loneliness during the holidays and have lots of fun. Let’s get started!

1. Attend or host a holiday gathering.

That’s right, attend a party or have your very own. That is, don’t alienate yourself from others. Instead, get out there and quality time with people who care about you. In addition, once you’re there, decide to have a wonderful time (the best time ever) and do so.

2. Meet new people.

Make a commitment to meet at least 3 new people during the holiday season. You can do this by joining a neighborhood group, free gathering, or attending a local church. There are many organizations that host special “meet and greets”. Go to one and make a conscious effort to meet others.

3. Concentrate on servicing others during the holidays.

Many times we get so focused on ourselves that we forget about others. If you really want to not be lonely then you should volunteer at the local soup kitchen or some other organization. Being around homeless and people who are less fortunate than you, will make you realize how important you are to others. It will show that you are important and that you can make a positive difference in the lives of others.

4. Go out and have fun by yourself.

Instead of being cooped up in the house feeling lonely, go to dinner by yourself or a movie. You don’t have to stay at home feeling miserable. Instead, you can do something fun and exciting. You can enjoy yourself. Not only will this keep you from feeling lonely during the holidays but it will improve your self-esteem and confidence to know that you can bring yourself out of a slump by taking positive action.

5. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Decide to be happy that you are here in the world. Many people didn’t make it to this holiday so you should feel blessed that you are here. After all, everyone has a purpose in life and your purpose could very well be, to help someone else. Therefore, stop feeling sorry for yourself and get out there and do something to help someone else.

In conclusion, you can stop feeling lonely this holiday and have a great time. Eliminate loneliness and say goodbye to the holiday blues. You can! Happy Holidays – this will be your best holiday yet.



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