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The MBTI Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator use in Psychology. MBTI is self-report inventory designed to identify a person's personality type, strengths, and preferences. Personality types theory

Source: Whale Design / Getty

In this day and age, it is quite common to put on different ‘faces’ for different crowds of company you interact with. You family doesn’t always see the side of you that your friends see, and your friends should find themselves in deep trouble if you are interacting with them like a coworker. But who experiences all those faces in the same day? You.

Code-Switching is the exact term we’re looking for, in which involves the adjusting one’s style of speech, appearance, behavior, and expression in ways that will optimize the comfort of others in exchange for fair treatment, quality service, and employment opportunities. This could be a normal for some, and challenging for others as they struggle to find a balance in who they really are, and who they are presenting themselves to be.

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John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership at The Myers-Briggs Company, had discussed how this unique personality test from the Myers-Briggs company enables you to truly understand who you are and how this specific personality type, can affect all aspects of your life, including, work, home, partnerships and relationships.

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“Once you know about who you are and how you differ from other people, know how to look at those differences in a positive manner.” Hackston explained. “Really use (Myers-Briggs Test) to help people communicate with other people. Which is good at work and quite important in dating.”

There sixteen different personality options, that break down into a distinct personality type, based of four unique categories: Introverts and Extroverts, Sensors and Intuitives, Thinkers and Feelers, and Judgers and Perceivers. According to sources, the most common personality type is Introverted, Sensored, Thinking, Judging personality. (ISTJ). The most unorthodox personality are those that are: Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging (ENTJ).

Hackston encourage those who are really curious to learn more about themselves to take the test. Explaining it as the ultimate guide to figure out who you truly are.

“You take the questionnaire, it gives you results, but then it asks you a whole lot more questions. It asks you to think about it, it asks you to ‘is this who you really are’” Hackston said. “So ultimately you decide who you are as it results to the questionnaire”.

Watch the full interview below!

[CLICK HERE] to take the Meyer-Briggs Personality Test

National Multiple Personality Day: Meyer-Briggs Personality Test Helps You Understand Which Personality to Lead With  was originally published on

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