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What would you do if you were cleaning your eyes and you reach for your prescription eye medicine that looks just like…has the same shape and size of…a bottle of Super Glue! The stuff is bad enough when it gets on your fingers, but can you imagine holding your eye open to drop it directly on to your eyeball? Yikes! The woman, Irmgard Holm, had recently had cataract surgery and was using the drops to treat her eyes. In her interview with Fox’s local Phoenix affiliate, she said, “I’m not young anymore, but I’m not senile!” And she is right. This has happened to other people as far back as 1982 and given a technical term called “Super Glue ocular injuries” in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Looks like pharmaceutical companies might want to change the bottle’s shape. But, Holm’s case has sparked the conversation for the glue company to change their bottle. In 1982, we weren’t as quick and creative about our lawsuits. Now, this woman will probably win her case like the woman who sued McDonald’s for her coffee being too hot…and won! Check out the report.

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