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Nova (Rutina Wesley) though, is having some issues with her book deal. Turns out, when she quit the paper, they don’t have to release the rights to her stories. So she’s got a book deal but nothing to put in in. The editor is understanding but Nova’s got some work to do. But because she’s Nova, she’s going to put that off to meddle in someone else’s business.

At lunch with Ralph Angel, she manages to get out of him how Charley (Dawn Lyen Gardner) plans to upend the Landrys. Dammit, Ralph, you can’t hold water. Nova, predictably, calls a family meeting. She gets in Charley’s ass about how she’s not doing things the right way by selling out to the family’s enemies.

You know that one relative that never has any money or a plan but is going to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do? That’s Nova. She seems determined to become this season’s most annoying character – unless that’s going to be Remy (Dondre Whitfield).

Meanwhile at the reunion, some loudmouthed ex of Hollywood’s tries to come for Vi, by asking if she’s Hollywood’s mother. Well Vi has more couth than many of us do, so she plays it off. But she’s also winded after just one dance.

Lupus ain’t no joke. Despite her cute dress and the upgraded wig/weave, she’s tiring. Hollywood either sees what’s really going on or he’s ready to leave too, because he meets her by the pool where she’s found a lounge chair. They’re heading out but you know all this is breadcrumbs for some trouble in paradise down the line.

Speaking of breadcrumbs, Queen Sugar has announced that they will be exploring the Vietnamese community that has a big presence in New Orleans in real life. So three Vietnamese actors have been added to the cast, including Vivian Ngo who will play Trinh Phan.

She meets Ralph, who works down at the fishery and of course and it looks like they are being set up for a love connection. So let me say on behalf of viewers everywhere…Nah. We ain’t feeling it. We’d like to see Blue’s parents work their situation out. Who’s with me?

Charley is feeling judged by her family including Micah. But Ralph Angel has her back and the two have a lovely moment. Even Nova acts like somebody’s sister by checking Micah about his attitude now that the Queen Sugar mill secret has been revealed. Finally, Nova is thinking about peace in her own family, not everyone else’s. Meanwhile, she better get to crackin’ on her book proposal after Micah gives her a little inspiration about incorporating the family history.

Ralph Angel has decided to make a hire. Nova reminds him that someone took a chance on him once so he is doing the same. The guy was late and wasn’t dressed for farm work – two red flags in our book – but RA’s going to give the guy a break. Let’s hope he deserves it.

No one deserves a break more than Darla. But will Ralph give her one now that he knows the truth. When she shows up at the house to see Blue, the look he gives her deserves an Emmy nomination in itself. Kudos to Mr. Siriboe for showing pain, hurt, love, hate, confusion, sadness and yearning in one look. That’s why we keep coming back.








‘Queen Sugar’ Season 3, Episode 3: Can Wrong Ever Be Right?  was originally published on

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