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Hair Loss

Some amount of hair loss is normal — strands fall out over time and get replaced by new ones. However, when you’re under physical or emotional stress, the normal shedding of 100 or so hairs a day can speed up to the point where half to three-quarters of your hair can fall out. Known as telogen effluvium, this diffuse and often stress-induced hair loss may not happen right away. In fact, it may take weeks or months after the stressful event for the hair to actually shed. Fortunately, after six to eight months, this type of hair loss often improves.


We all have our moments of not being able to find our car keys, but research shows that the more stress we are under, the more frequent these mental lapses may become. Make sure to read the rest by clicking here.

Key Warning Signals That You Are Stressed!  was originally published on

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