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Talk about a double-take! Indianapolis twins delivered their baby girls on the same day, within two hours apart and across the hall from each other at the same hospital. Coincidence? Yes!

Charron and Chardee Hampton, 22, (pictured) are ecstatic about the fact that their daughters will grow up together and share the same birthdays.

Charron, who was past her due date, was taken to St. Vincent Women’s Hospital last Monday to be induced. Little did she know that sibling Chardee had to be rushed to the very same medical facility because she too had gone into labor.

Both sisters marvel at the fact that their children were not only the same length, 21 inches, but were delivered in an uncommon birthing position, face up. Since the young women were placed in separate hospital rooms only a few feet away from each other, their mother had quite a time running from one daughter to the other:

“My mom had the camera, and she’s trying to run and show Chardee as she’s about to push. So, it was crazy. My mom was so excited,” Charron told Indy Channel 6 News.

Charron named her daughter Chanise Amari Monroe. Chardee named her daughter Trinity Dominick Brown.

Throughout the years, the sisters have remained inseparable, with ties so close that they often find themselves finishing each other’s sentences. Now the women are overjoyed that they are sharing the priceless first-time experience of motherhood at the exact same time. Charron and Chardee are already planning to make their babies’ first birthdays a special event.

Since both sisters are engaged, they are now also mulling over the idea of having their weddings on the very same day as well. “I think hers will happen before mine,” said Chardee. “Well, you never know,” Charron said with a smirk.

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