It can be hard sometimes to find inspiration around you, especially when you’re just stuck in your old routines and need a change. There are many definitions of inspiration – that could include writing, general beauty, or just a change in your surroundings that makes you stop and think. For example, sometimes sitting in a […]

Once in a while, there are certain days that stick out as being especially trying. Today happens to suit that description, as this morning, walking through the crowds and the moving-sidewalk mentality of a big city was not working for me. When you feel like even the cashier is impatient as you pull coins out […]

While watching a singer-songwriter I admire singing and playing the guitar in a live video, I was recently reminded of the importance of having dreams. One of my goals in life is to be able to be a skilled musician, to be a braver and stronger performer than I am at the moment. Although it […]

As I was walking to work this morning, it occurred to me that I never really “see” where I am most of the time. Usually, I’m carrying so many bags and focusing on the task at hand that I forget to look up at the sky and appreciate my surroundings. These moments can even occur […]

Have you ever had a moment where you feel like you made up a situation entirely in your mind? Perhaps in an interaction with someone, you took a comment or glance the wrong way and let preconceived notions get in the way of what was really happening. This often is what happens to me in […]

Have you ever been told the same advice over and over again, yet it has never actually sunk in until the second when you actually needed it? This morning was definitely that defining moment for me. After being chided for years for constantly leaving little time for mistakes, I missed the train to work for […]

Birthdays are important milestones in life, yet many people overlook their significance. What are some important things to remember on your birthday?