Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us to adjust our eyes to fly. What we focus on expands! Therefore, there is only one thing that has to change for us to live a God-filled life, and that change is where we focus our attention. You can read more in “The Wings of Inspiration™ Daily […]

Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us that the day and hour are unknown! It’s 12-21-12 and we are still here! The world didn’t end! A friendly reminder that we should not give people more power than God! As a biblical reminder, the day and hour are unknown. The Bible tells us that, “No […]

Image: Table Mountain (Cape Town, South Africa) The Wings Of Inspiration, LLC ©2012 copyright All rights are reserved. Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us to live life! Our prayers go out to the families, friends and residents in Newtown, Connecticut, where a shooting took place at Sandy Hook Elementary; which claimed the lives […]

Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us to keep our minds right. When we think right we do right! It’s important for us to keep our minds off the things we don’t want by keeping our minds on the things we do want. It has been proven, if we think we can or can’t, […]

Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us to allow God to guide our way every day! The Bible says in Psalms 37:23, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” (NLT) We must remember that God is not delighted in the few things we do; He’s […]

Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us to look up! The Bible says is Psalms 121:1-2, “I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (NIV) When we are going through life’s challenges, we may not always look […]

Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us to thank God for the storms and move on! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and we have lots to be thankful for; including our storms. My mother always reminds me that “what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.” Mama was right. When I look back over the […]

Image: Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us to live life, like its golden! When we wake up each day, it means that God is not done with us yet; He’s giving us another golden opportunity to get it right! However, some people think that life is too short. The sun rises and […]

Image: Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us how to steer on, when we veer off the road of life! Every vehicle that moves must have a steering wheel, right? If not, it will veer off the road, spin out of control, have some accidents, hit some bumps and eventually crash; and possible […]

Image: Today’s Daily Faith-Lift ™ is designed to remind us to look for success in our tests! In school, we are taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, we are given a test that teaches us a lesson. Either way, we don’t get to pick the tests, the tests pick us! […]

Image: Today’s Daily Faith-Lift ™ is designed to remind us to let God wear our cares! 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” Therefore, we should take off our garments of cares, worry, daily stresses and struggles and put on the garment of God’s grace. We […]

Image: Today’s Daily Faith-Lift ™ is designed to remind us that in order to stand, we have to fall. How can we learn to stand, if we never fall? As a child we had to crawl before we could walk and we had to fall before we could stand. Our Christian life is the […]