Heart Health

NEW YORK – Despite warnings about the risk, Americans have not reduced the salt in their diets in 50 years, Harvard School of Public Health researchers conclude. Using data gathered in 38 studies between 1957 and 2003, Adam Bernstein and Walter Willett analyzed urine samples from more than 26,000 people. Unlike previous research that estimated […]

According to the American Heart Association, one in three adults in the United States has high blood pressure, the rate is higher in African Americans. Find out if you're at risk here.

Here are some helpful links to learn more about high blood pressure and how to prevent and treat it.

<strong>COPD</strong> is one of the nation's <strong>leading causes of death</strong> but most of us have no idea what it is or how to deal with it. Get informed and improve your lifestyle.

Putting in <strong>extra hours</strong> on the job may be good for your bank account but bad for your heart according to a new study.

Most of us have heard that <strong>bran</strong> can help up lead a <strong>healthier life</strong> but new studies show a direct connection between consumin bran and improving our heart-health.

Doctor's have given chocolate lovers a reason to celebrate with their findings in a recent heart-health study.

Living a <strong>fast-paced life</strong> can cost your heart in the future, but what are some steps that you can take to improve your <strong>heart health</strong> right now?

Do you have any idea what keeps your hear ticking as it should? Check out some amazing and little known facts about your heart here.

Assessing whether you are in poor, moderate or ideal cardiovascular health takes just seconds, thanks to a new American Heart Association measure of health factors and behaviors.

Two major studies have shown that moderate drinking is good for the heart, but excessive drinking is bad for your health in general. According to Dr. Kenneth J. Mukamal, and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School this study does not mean that drinking guidelines have changed.

Women who eat more white bread, white rice, pizza, and other carbohydrate-rich foods that cause blood sugar to spike are more than twice as likely to develop heart disease than women who eat less of those foods, a new study suggests.