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Upgrade your hair:

Let’s face it…aging can take its toll on hair. You might not have as much – or any – or you may be losing or have lost edges to years of weaves. Or maybe you’re wearing too much weave or a natural look that doesn’t look good anymore. We understand that some of you don’t want to fight nature but if you’re grey, keep a hairstyle or cut that still looks contemporary.

Find a good hairdresser that keeps up with the latest trends and find a style you can live with if yours is outdated. Also ladies, spend some money on your wigs if that’s your option and look for styles that mimic ones you see on celebs or social media influencers you like.

If you’re natural either be attractively gray or color, but the half and half look is not cool. Some of you may need to get rid of some hair and others may need to add it. But take a look at some fly haircuts and styles online and see if you feel like yours is tired by comparison. Yes, its work to keep up your looks as you age. But sometimes its worth it to your self-esteem.

Take care of your skin and learn to do makeup.

Skin reveals your health more than anything else. If you eat right and exercise, it will show on your face. If you do nothing else, find a skin care regimen – at least a moisturizer and cleanser that work for you. It can be simple – you don’t have to spend thousands to have good skin, despite what beauty advertisers tell you.


Anything with retinoids will help your skin BUT they can be very irritating so you will almost always have to mix them with a moisturizer or layer with aloe vera. Start out with the weakest formulation and see how you tolerate it.

As for makeup, Sephora or Ulta or even department store makeup counters can help you pick out a basic foundation, blush and mascara and you can play with lipsticks until you find the ones you like. Note though, on older skin, less is more.

Buy the best clothes you can afford.

The truth is – cheap clothing just doesn’t look as good on older bodies. And those clothes don’t last. While young people just need an outfit to get through summer festival season, if we grown, we need work clothes and things that last. So when you can afford to, splurge.



Save up for quality basics if nothing else, because they cost the most to replace. Coats, a good quality dark jean, a good suit and dresses are all worth a splurge. There are sales everywhere these days so plan your major shopping around them.

#Over 40: Holiday Glow-Up  was originally published on

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