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Thanks to your great feedback the following great pieces of knowledge were uncovered regardidng the topics below:

Ushers – Many usher are trained on the basic Social Work principles/core elements such as being genuine and management of their own feelings. They are taught to remember that people from all walks of life with all types of issues are coming in looking for answers and a place of comfort. If you are an usher, remember this is a selfless task that must be taken seriously because you are the first point of contact.

Communion – Besides communion being a very important part of our religious experience as Christians, the handling of the sacraments is very particular and must be done in an orderly fashion but most importantly with the proper spirit. If you are not in the best of spirit or have been out of “communion” (relationship) with God, it would be best to tell your Pastor. This is serious bussiness!!!

Musicians – Musicians often get a bad wrap and are often thought to be disconnected from service however, musicians are trained to watch for cues from leadership and often recieve multiple directives from many people at one time. additionally they often have to stall for up to 15 minutes. They need to know all the music that the choir will sing that week and praise and worship music as well. Their creative improvosational abilities are often smothered because they have to “stay in the pocket” or follow the plan of action for that particular Sunday. So Hat’s off to you musicians for setting the tone and being obedient!!!

Photo courtesy of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church

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