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Patience is a skill that seems to be diminishing, but it is a skill that constantly needs to be improving. You see and feel patience as well as impatience almost daily, just as I do. When you’re waiting in line, when you’re stuck in traffic, when your kids are taking their time getting dressed in the morning.

There are countless examples and opportunities for us to use patience on a daily basis. How would you rate yourself on your ability to be patient? If it’s not high, the good news is that you can learn to be more patient with your life.

Here are 7 steps to take when you find yourself getting impatient:

1.Take a deep breath

2.Understand you do not have any control over the situation

3.Understand you only have control over your reaction to the situation

4.Take another deep breath

5.Give yourself empathy for your impatience

6.Look around you and notice the people, the trees, the clouds in the sky. Take in your surroundings.

7.Recognize that you are so much more than the impatience you displayed and commit to being more mindful of that behavior arising in the future.

When you’re able to remove yourself from the situation and realize that you don’t have any control over it, your impatience will diminish.

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