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Haven’t you ever seen a black person who you feel hurts the race so much that you’d rather not see them succeed. And we’re not wishing anything bad would happen to them personally. Just you’d rather not see their faces on TV embarrassing the race or doing it more harm than good.

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Well, the NewsOne crew put together a short list of black folks (if they consider themselves black to begin with) whom we think most black folks wished were born with a different skin tone.

Ward Connerly

There is no black man in the history of Negrodom who has reversed the educational progress of African Americans more so than Ward Connerly. He has led several initiatives across the nation aimed at ending Affirmative Action policies at the state level. He has been very successful.

Not to mention, Connerly doesn’t feel race is a significant problem anymore and says President Obama runs a “racialized administration.”

Great job, Mr. Connerly! Ending Affirmative Action is really gonna make the U.S. a raceless nation. Yeah right.

Allen West

The U.S. Representative from Florida says the Tea Party is not racist (seriously?) and is a regular contributor on Fox News. He considers Obama to be “socialist” and “pathetic.” And that’s on a nice day.

West never talks about race and we doubt he would step in to address any issues of racial injustice if the situation calls for it. In other words, Robin Thick is blacker than Mr. West.

Allen Keyes

The modern-day Republican puppet, Keyes has run for so many GOP offices that we’ve lost count. His worse puppet act took place back in 2004 when the GOP recruited him out of Baltimore to run against then-U.S. senatorial candidate Barack Obama. Click here to see them debate on the death penalty. Keyes lost in a landslide to Obama. Moreover, his senatorial campaign was pure buffoonery. Lets hope that Keyes doesn’t make any more significant national appearances.

Herman Cain

The man who has more white women than Hugh Heifner, Cain is another Republican puppet who prides himself on being inexcusably ignorant about world affairs and not taking part in the Civil Rights Movement.

The self-described “Chocolate Walnut” eventually dropped out of the GOP Presidential race because his vanilla taste buds seemed to have gotten the best of him. We thought we were finally rid of him before he dropped a weird Christmas video a week ago.

Please, Mr. Cain, just go way!

Tavis Smiley

Tavis is a fine journalist, but sometimes he gets a little full of himself. When Obama decided not to attend the State of The Black Union back in 2008, Tavis went bonkers. It seemed like every radio program he hosted thereafter was the “Lets Talk About How Much Obama Sucks” announcement.

Years later, he still drones on about Obama as if there are no other news topics out there. We don’t want you to fail brother Tavis. But please, please shut up about Obama. We get your point!

Did we miss anyone? Feel free to make suggestions!

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