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Travel is one of the best ways to introduce your family to different cultures, but when you’re housebound, there are countless ways to introduce your loved ones to  different people and ways of life. Try these family exercises to open up brand new experiences while bonding with your children.

  1. Try Ethnic Cuisine. Visit ethnic restaurants or Google recipes, hit the specialty market and cook them yourself. Encourage your family to try foods that are healthy that they wouldn’t ordinarily eat in their typical diet
  2. Watch Foreign Films. Is Friday night movie night in your house? Why not try a foreign movie with subtitles? You’ll get to view a sense of how others live in different regions of the world in their natural habitat.
  3. Attend Cultural Festivals. There are always cultural festivals to attend in every city. Check one out and you’ll get a total experience from the music, rides, shoes and native foods sold from the vendors.
  4. Read Foreign Books. Read to them out of translated books from other countries. These books will contain artwork and stories about lives of people who experienced their own way of life. Hopefully, they’ll pique your children’s curiosity and interest.
  5. Research The Internet. Google maps with your children. Let them point to a country, and then research it’s history. This is a creative way for your children to travel to other lands. Plus, they’ll learn how to use the computer in the process, becoming tech-savvy at once!

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