POTUS' Christmas Day remarks honor and cherish those who risk their lives for our freedom.


According to research, people with the attitude of gratitude are the happiest people of all. When it comes to creating positive changes in individuals, families, and organizations, gratitude is the powerful force to do just that. Find more about the happiest people at all at http://tinyurl.com/kcg6h7z. Source: Black Christian News Photo Credit: Praise-Indy  

We spend so much time each day complaining that we forget to be thankful.

Thanksgiving 2010 holiday is officially over, however, we all need to be reminded to continue to always take time for thankful reflects by writing in our gratitude journal and sitting quietly in meditation.  Self-care during this season is extremely important so that we can give from the overflow of our own self-fulfillment. Enjoy Robin Downes’ […]