
The talented and youngest Grammy-award nominee last year, Jamie Grace joins “The James Fortune Show” to talk about her music and upbringing. Listen to this…

Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to inspire us to embrace “Tarzan-like faith!” When I was at a crossroad in my career, I was down and wanted to give up. But a close friend of mine reminded me of the faith of Tarzan; out of all people. For those who don’t know, Tarzan was a jungle […]

Ian McKellen: “I’m an atheist. So God, if She exists, isn’t part of my life.” Björk: “I’ve got my own religion. If I get into trouble, no…

Today’s personal life coaching tip is the wind beneath your wings, lifting you to your feet; so that you can embrace faith in a different light. “Faith is putting all your eggs in God’s basket and then counting your blessings before they hatch.” You can read more in “The Wings of Inspiration™ Daily Faith-Lifts Volume […]

Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us of how faith and fear work! Faith and fear work in four simple words, “Faith jumps but fear looks”.-Author Unknown Source: The Wings of Inspiration Remember, “We are each angels with one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.” Have a God-day on purpose […]

Today’s Daily-Faith Lift™ is designed to remind us of what to feed and what to starve! “Feed your faith and starve your doubts.”– Kenneth E. Hagin Sr. Source: The Wings of Inspiration Remember, “We are each angels with one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.” Have a God-day on purpose and […]

Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us that faith begins where fear ends! Conditions don’t have to be perfect to begin; just begin and watch the conditions become perfect. When we embrace this attitude, we’ll have more beginnings than endings. Don’t be scared, just begin; and you’ll see where fear ends, faith begins! Source: […]

One of YouTube’s most famous celebrity alum is extending his 15 minutes once more after announcing he is leaving the homosexual community for his faith.…

While you are Out & About here is some Scripture on Faith,  that I need with me this week and wanted to share with you!  I hope that it will encourage you as well! Love, Ms Kala Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must […]

Lent is the period of time in which many Christians walk the way of Christ for 40 days. It is a time of reflection and…

Today’s Daily Faith-Lift™ is designed to remind us that there is a blessing in just “being”! As we continue to move into the New Year making the necessary changes to “do” better this year than last year, let’s take the word “do” out and replace it with the word “be”. Let’s take the word “doing” […]

Faith & Politics can be a controversial topic, and Pastor John P. Kee weighed in on “CoCo Brother Live.” Find out where John P. Kee…