
(NEWSONE)  GALVESTON, Texas— A man who stole a car left idling on the seawall returned and chastised the owners after realizing a child was inside, authorities said. A Houston woman, 22, and her boyfriend took the child fishing with them early Tuesday in the 900 block of Seawall Boulevard, where a rock pier juts into the […]

Thinking of a worthwhile bonding activity with your family? Sing with them. Health Benefits of Karaoke: And here is great news – karaoke singing releases endorphins! Those are the “happy hormones” that make us feel good! In addition, karaoke singing releases stress and tension, and helps exercise the lungs. Check out this clip of the […]

Thinking of a worthwhile bonding activity with your family? Sing with them. Health Benefits of Karaoke: And here is great news – karaoke singing releases…

(EURWEB)  In Oakland, California the Life Legal Defense Foundation announces that all criminal charges against Pastor Hoye have been dropped. Just three months ago, an appellate court overturned Pastor Walter Hoye’s criminal conviction for violating Oakland’s “Mother May I” law restricting sidewalk counseling. In a jury trial in 2009, Hoye was found guilty of two […]

(EURWEB)  *In Smithfield, NC drivers were doing double-takes on North Bright Leaf Boulevard last week as a message from “Satan” flashed across a billboard screen. “Don’t visit,” warned the black-and-white ad, bearing the signature of the devil. Mephistopheles’ message also appeared on a local radio station’s website. But after typing in the website address, […]

As your child enters into adolescence, you need to adapt your parenting skills for dealing with a teenager. Granted there isn’t a “how to” book, but if you want to maintain a healthy relationship, based on mutual respect with the potential to last a lifetime, here are some blunders to avoid from our sister site […]

PORT-AU-PRINCE — The death toll from Haiti’s cholera epidemic has reached more than 900 and the disease is present in six of the 10 provinces of the earthquake-battered Caribbean country, the Health Ministry said on Sunday. An update on the ministry website said as of November 12, there had been 917 deaths and more than 14,600 […]

I was watching the local news Sunday morning in Atlanta and I came across a story which I found frustrating and inspirational. The story dealt with children turning to weight loss surgery to lose excessive amounts of weight.  The story mentioned that Georgia is ranked second in the country to Mississippi for child obesity.

Today is World Diabetes Day(Sun. November 14).  Diabetes affects millions of people all over the world. The African-American community has been plagued by this condition in large numbers.  The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists have produced an in-depth video that gives the African-American community a guide to prevention and control of diabetes. Please check out […]

I’ve been told smoking is a bad habit to break but I know many people who’ve done it.  The more I study, research and write about various topics pertaining to smoking and cancer, I wonder why people still smoke and know the effects that are harmful to your body because of it. 

One of the world’s most effective and inexpensive exercise devices is the fun and basic jump rope. It costs less than $15, fits in your purse or briefcase and is so easy, a kid can use it.

(ABCNEWS)  “I am an atheist,” says “Jack,” a Southern Baptist with more than 20 years in ministry. “I live out my life as if there is no God,” says “Adam,” who is part of the pastoral staff of a small evangelical church in the Bible Belt. The two, who asked that their real identities be […]