
The holiday season is creeping up on us like Big Worm preparing to do a drive-by on Craig and Smokey. Just because it’s the holiday…

Holiday Guide

After you have graduated from college, graduate or post graduate studies, one thing changes tremendously and that is your previous access to two free weeks…

Contrary to what commercials want you to believe, the holidays should not be one budget-busting, anxiety-filled event after another. Instead it should be about the…

Lonnie Hunter is wishing everyone a happy holidays. He also offers some insight on what to do with the mistletoe. And from everyone else from the Praise 103.9 family, we’re wishing you a happy holiday as well. Check out the video below. [ooyala code=”5vbjZrNzrMEAStfk7XhwrcAaDgFTY2uu”] _______ Help PraisePhilly Get To 50, 000 Likes! 

This Holiday season you are sure to get a present that you don’t want or can’t use. We’ve all gotten them. The solar powered flashlights…

Holiday Guide

It is officially The MOST Wonderful Time of the Year. The eggnog is spiked, the lights are bright and the retail sales are plentiful! However,…

So you having a holiday party huh? Well since I may crash it (wink wink) the least I can do is help you plan it! …

‘Tis the Season to be jolly. Yeah, Yeah! While everyone is busy doing the traditional Christmas activities like shopping for presents for loved ones (boring),…

Some 44 years since its creation, the Kwanzaa celebration continues to stir a bevy of emotions. Founded in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, Kwanzaa was created as a means for African-Americans to reflect on their past, pay homage to their ancestors and connect with their African roots and heritage. Known by some to be an […]

During the holidays, there are several observances commemorated by different cultural groups including the celebration of Kwanzaa. The celebration of Kwanzaa is an African American holiday started in 1966, by Malauna Karenga, a central figure during the Black Power movement of the mid 1960s and early 1970s. Kwanzaa was created during a time of social […]

So you’ve worked a miracle and found yourself in a club on New Year’s Eve without having to mortgage your home. After working up a…