About PraisePhilly

Once in a while, there are certain days that stick out as being especially trying. Today happens to suit that description, as this morning, walking through the crowds and the moving-sidewalk mentality of a big city was not working for me. When you feel like even the cashier is impatient as you pull coins out […]

Daily Faith-Lift We have all heard at one time or another that our attitude, not our aptitude, will determine our altitude. It’s really truly. Our attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. And […]

It’s been two years and now the Grammy Award winning recording artist, producer and composer, Donald Lawrence, does it again with his brand new CD, “YRM: Your Righteous Mind” which features “Spiritual”!  I had a chance to hang out with Donald a few months ago to hear a few tracks from the new CD and […]

During a rally in Chicago Sunday, Tavis Smiley, Dr. Cornel West, and Minister Louis Farrakhan criticized President Obama on his political base, and his alleged negligence of the poor. “President Obama should acknowledge the poor and come back home to his base — even if it means being a one-term president,” Farrakhan said to an […]

Our favorite identical twins, Tia and Tamera, have returned to the small screen with their new reality series, “Tia and Tamera Take 2”. Per usual, I had to tune in simply because I am absolutely obsessed with reality shows and even more obsessed with Tia and Tamera! The show premiered on the “Style” network and […]

RANKIN COUNTY, MS — A young man is alleged to have killed his friend after an argument about a girl and a Twitter post. Dorian Cyrus allegedly killed his friend  Jeffery Taylor Jenkins after an argument on social media network, Twitter. The Grio reports: The two were suspected to be having an argument about a […]

Gold and silver were tIn times of troubles, some look to friends, some prayer, some party, and smart investors buy precious metals like gold and silver. With gold hitting a record $1600 per ounce this week and silver heading up towards the previous May high, it looks like the investment community is nervous and seeking […]

It seems there is a disconnect from what is being covered by financial news and what the public is really concerned about. You can’t turn on the financial news networks without hearing questions such as the following: “Will the US raise its debt ceiling?” “Will the tax cuts for the rich be extended?” “Will the […]