About Brotha Marcus

1. GODs Plan for your Life is NOT to Suffer BUT To PROSPER! 2. Sometimes it seems like you will never reach your goal, However GOD will see to it that you will! 3. Relax!!! Life Gets Better! Just Keep Trusting GOD!! Amen!!!! 4. They don’t have to like you.. As Long As GOD LOVES […]

Brother Marcus makes a Surprise visit to Mt. Olivet Church in South Jersey as he was visiting various Churches and sharing about The Big Inspiration and Music Tour! You Never Know when Brother Marcus and The Praise 103.9 Van will stop at you Church!

1. Agape is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love, the highest of the four types of love in the Bible. 2. Eros: is the physical, sensual love between a husband and wife. 3. Philia : means close friendship or brotherly love in Greek. 4. Storge is a term for love in the Bible a Greek word for […]

Brother Marcus of The Elements of Inspiration and 103.9 has Officially kicked off the Be Inspired: Inspiration and Music Concert Tour. He will be visiting various Churches, Events and Venues within the Tri-State area Promoting the Praise 103.9 Inspiration and Music Concert coming up in March. The First Official stop that was made was in […]

Elements of Inspiration: 5 Days of Inspiration 1. You are Blessed… it’s not your fault… It’s GODs fault… 2. That Position GOD placed you is was already yours. 3. GOD knew what they were trying to do to you. that’s why GOD didn’t let it happen. 4. You have you become all that you are […]

Brother Marcus was on air Last week and he kept getting a call from a listener who was determined to call the Praise 103.9 lines to win tickets to the Inspiration and Music Conference. He kept trying and trying and just would NOT give up. He really wanted to win tickets. When Brother Marcus said […]

Please Tell me something Inspirational about your children.. From them listening to you, getting good grades or being talented or just all around Blessed.. ( Inspirational Minds want to Know ) 1. TROY: my daughters get great grades i have one in college and im at a play called annie where my babygurl iz tha […]

Elements of Inspiration: 5 Days of Inspiration 1. They May try and stop you…BUT THEY CAN’T STOP GOD MOVING WITHIN YOU!!! 2. GOD wants you to Stay Determined to Make it and you Will!!!! 3. Just Be You!!! GOD Loves You!, enough Said!!! 4. You can’t help the Fact that GOD made you SMART!!! 5. […]

Elements of Inspiration: Biblical Prospective Anger Management… Most people get upset over various issues we face day to day. What makes one person upset might not effect the person. See, we all have a button we don’t want anyone to press but when they do how can we find more than logical to act or […]

This week in Radio….. I have been on Praise 103.9 for 3 years! I truly Thank and Praise GOD for allowing me to have this opportunity to serve on the air. I remember starting out some people were looking at me strange because of my Super Positive Unorthodox Vibe and also the Deep Belief that […]

History of Gospel Music production unlike any other by Angelia Milton was Awesome! It gave the true history of how it all got started and where it is today. The Audience was truly engaged and the Praises went Up! This was also an opportunity to help so many along with a Food Drive event. The […]

Day 1 They will never understand your story however GOD know and it’s gonna be alright Day 2 GOD won’t leave you even if you don’t want GOD to Stay…. Day 3 If they only knew how much GOD love them too… Day 4. GODs favor has been with you even before you were Born… […]