In light of the surging wealth disparity and unemployment rate, among other socio-economic issues plaguing the country, Rev. Al Sharpton wrote a column in the Huffington Post, urging Americans —African-Americans in particular — to take more action in challenging the government. In the column, Sharpton encourages African-Americans to address their issues at the National Action […]

A new book about the life of Barack Obama’s mother is casting doubt on statements shared by the president during his 2008 election campaign and push for health care reform, The New York Times reports. According to A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother, a biography written by Times reporter Janny Scott, […]

An African-American woman who was subjected to a security pat-down at a Seattle Airport because of her “poofy” hairstyle is claiming that she was discriminated against. Laura Adiele was pulled out of the security line after having gone through the Advance Imaging System and was told she needed a pat-down. “When I first heard her […]

Delta Air Lines is facing intense criticism after it charged nearly $3000 in extra baggage fees to a group of 34 U.S. soldiers returning home from Afghanistan. In a video released Tuesday, Army Staff Sgt. Robert O’Hair is recorded talking about the incident in which each soldier was charged $200 for having a fourth bag, […]

WASHINGTON — United States Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates stated that there was no evidence that anyone in the upper echelons of Pakistan’s leadership knew that Osama Bin Laden was hiding in their country. The New York Times reports: “I have seen no evidence at all that the senior leadership knew,” Mr. Gates said. “In […]