1. Accept the Unchangeable. Everything that has happened in your life to this minute is unchangeable. It’s history. The greatest waste of energy is in looking back! Success is the only acceptable form of revenge. 2. Change the Changeable. You can’t change others but you can change yourself. You can change what others say and […]

According to the American Psychological Association, stress is down for the first time in five years! Experts think the levels are down because pressure has become a normal part of life. Therefore, check out these personal life coaching tips as the wind beneath your wings, lifting you to your feet to help you stress less […]


Women, if you are highly stressed out, stop and take a long look in the mirror. A new study reveals that stress can make a woman look unattractive; and I’m using a much milder word than the study did. Researchers in Finland have found that guys judge women with high levels of stress less attractive […]

Today’s personal life coaching tips are the wind beneath your wings, lifting you to your feet with ways to stop stressing! If you are worry wart then you may want to try out some of these ways to go from being a worrier to a warrior: Derail Your Worry Train! First things first, bring your […]

If you have trouble sleeping at night, you are not alone. As a matter of fact, those of us are among as many as 100 million Americans! A recent survey showed that good sleep can add years to our life and poor sleep can negatively impact our health. It affects short-term memory, increases our risk […]

We all know that stress takes a toll on your mind and your body. It shakes up your nerves, it puts you on edge and…

Certain everyday situations have huge potential for causing stress. But by being organized and easing up on self-imposed time pressures, you can dodge these situations and skip the stress. Sometimes, stressful situations occur because we let them — once you allow stress get to you, tension and anxiety can mount very quickly. Here are some […]

Stressed? Feeling guilty? These feelings are just part of being a mom – especially if you are working full time. But there is no need for you to let your worries or feelings of guilt get in your way of being both a great mom and employee. Here are some tips from sheknows.com to stomp […]

Are you currently challenged with your weight loss program and desire to overcome this obstacle? Portland researchers from Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Health Research say if you’re looking to lose those unwanted pounds you need to reduce your stress and get the proper amount of sleep.

By Felicia Vance (Via: BlackDoctor.org) How we feel on the inside could be affecting how we look on the outside. In fact, studies link factors that impact our emotional well-being — such as stress, depression and anxiety — to an increase in skin, hair or nail problems. Have you ever wondered why your skin looks […]

When Women Snap: How To Handle Stress Before It’s Too Late Sometimes we get hungry. Sometimes we have a specific craving for Girl Scout Cookies. Sometimes it’s Denny’s yummy maple syrup. Sometimes those cravings can get you killed… or at least slapped with a sign and popped with a pancake. What am I talking about? […]

It’s a new year and a great time to think about what really makes you happy. What motivates you? What are your career goals? Relationship goals? Financial goals? Having a clear sense of who you are, what you stand for and where you want to go in life can definitely help boost your self-esteem. Granted […]