On November 4, 2008, history was made. The glass ceiling shattered beyond what was previously imagined as the most powerful man in the world was of African descent and could identify with the often forgotten population, African Americans. It seemed like the country had undergone an intense race relations course and the years of historic […]

Over the last few weeks American Muslims have been in the news a lot. It started with controversy over the TV show All American Muslim. Then it continued after Muslims boycotted Lowe’s hardware stores for pulling ads during the show due to outside pressure. Not long after Muslim community leaders in New York boycotted Mayor Bloomberg’s […]

An activist was beaten and arrested at a Dutch Christmas celebration after attempting to call attention to the racist depiction of Zwarte Piet, a beloved Santa’s-helper folk character in the Netherlands. SEE ALSO: Ed Lover to NFL Players: Chill With The Celebrating! For the last few years, activists have worked to reform or change Zwarte […]

On his radio show yesterday, right wing pundit Rush Limbaugh talked about the recent booing of First Lady Michelle Obama at a NASCAR event. Limbaugh defended the booers, claiming that they had a right to do so, considering her healthy eating initiatives and vacations, accusing her of “uppity-ism.” The term “uppity” has historically been used […]

Satoshi Kanazawa, the psychologist who caused a great deal of controversy with his article on why African American women are unattractive has been fired from Psychology Today, where the article first surfaced. Huliq reports: And now Satoshi Kanazawa’s lost his blog and his profile page has been deleted from Psychology Today’s website. His article and […]

As part of her Australian adventure, for some reason Oprah Winfrey thought it was important for her lucky troupe of 300 viewers to visit the Dafel Dolls And Bear Shop in Melbourne. Who knows? Perhaps this store has a cultural legacy that makes it of critical importance to visit when one goes to Australia. But […]

Last night on Wednesday’s edition of “Primetime” on CNN, LeBron James told Soledad O’Brien that he thought race was a factorin the reaction to his decision to leave the Cleveland saying, “I think so, at times.  It’s always, you know, a race factor.” When asked to clarify his statement after Thursday morning’s practice session, LeBron said, “I’m not going […]