
Elexis Webster, a 17-year-old honor student from Oakland, has overcome insurmountable odds during her young life.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson recently called for President Obama to issue a blanket pardon to Hillary Clinton before he leaves office. He said issuing the pardon could also help to heal the nation.

Senate Democrats to seek common ground with Trump in areas opposed by establishment Republicans. Their strategy is to drive a wedge between GOP lawmakers and the president-elect.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas believes the court has too often granted rights to people not found in the Constitution.

Michigan officials filed a court motion while they appeal the decision in a lawsuit brought by several advocacy groups.

Sports anchor Sage Steele has landed herself in hot water for the second time this week. First, she criticized Tampa Bay Buccaneer Mike Evans for refusing to stand for the National Anthem after Trump’s election. Now she’s under fire for a lengthy Facebook post about Black people’s apprehensive approach to diversity. “Instead of praising or uplifting […]

Many are outraged that an officer under investigation for fatal shootings was returned to street duty. Officials claim it was a mistake.

Donald Trump‘s supporters are out here making it known who the voted for. Although it was reported that a lot of the people who voted for the President-elect were “silent voters,” they have no problem shouting it out now, like a badge of honor. That was the case at a Miami Starbucks on Wednesday, where a […]

President Obama reportedly had some words of wisdom for his daughters the morning after Trump’s win, according to a profile in the New Yorker.


With all the news stories surrounding police brutality in America, it’s not unusual for men of color to feel afraid while interacting with law enforcement. NFL star Roddy White took to Twitter on Wednesday to describe a traffic stop he said made him concerned for his life. A DeKalb County, Georgia, police officer reportedly pulled White […]

Two White South African men are on trial for forcing a Black man into a coffin. They video recorded the assault.


Racist fliers on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, urge White women to refrain from dating Black men.