
I just read an argument and its rebuttal on the subject of best friends and it really made me think: is it bad to just have one best friend or is having a lot of close friends the better way to go? While from first glance, the article about the “horrors” of a child having […]

A national poll shows that while Americans are still holding on to some traditional moral values, it has validated immoral behaviors that are self-satisfying. The poll, conducted by Gallup, revealed 91 percent of respondents considered extramarital affairs immoral. In addition to cheating spouses, polygamy, cloning humans, suicide and pornography all ranked as the top five […]

Woman are always in a rush to declare someone their “man” or “boyfriend”. After a few dates, we quickly determine that the guy has everything we are looking for, and immediately go on a mission to make things official. Why are we in a rush? Could it be that once we meet a guy and […]

Here are some smart ways for you to deal and get along better with your in-laws if you do not already have a blooming relationship with yours. And if you are one of those lucky few who get along fantastically with the in-laws, be sure to share your secrets with the rest of us here […]

Ladies, I’m imparting upon you something that may get me hurt or, worse, get my man card taken away.  (Oh yes. There is a man card. And I am breaking all the man rules!) Here are some signs that will let you know if your man is cheating on you: 1. He immediately deletes text […]

How do you navigate the question “Does this look ____ ?” or “Does this make me look _____ ?” As I mentioned in a previous diary, I’m no slouch. Some of my ex-girlfriends bring me to near tears when I see them years later looking like they just stepped off the Ms. Ivy League Black […]

Apologizing isn’t an easy thing to do. If you’ve never been taught how to apologize, it makes the task even harder. We all make mistakes and need forgiveness. Sometimes simply saying, “I’m sorry” doesn’t adequately communicate your regret for having done something that was hurtful. When you’ve done something you shouldn’t, here are the  5 […]

Have you ever noticed that people always want what they can’t have? I mean, I am single and I am sick of microwaving my dinners and watching bad TV while eating instead of having a stimulating conversation. But in terms of love, my friends in relationships are ready to jump the relation-ships. I wonder if […]

The  Braxton Family Values television show has actually shown a light on what women need and want on men. Now, before you get anxious or upset hear me out. Each one of these women have a situation that points out what the actual needs are in a  good relationships. They also point out what destructive […]

I received three emails from three different women from three different places around the country on one day last week. All of the emails were concerning the same relationship topic: “Dear Steven, can I be celibate and still be in a relationship?” I have been avoiding this celibacy question for a couple of years now […]

The Rihanna-Chris Brown saga was a really big news story that became a popular topic of  discussion at office water coolers, intimate gatherings and even with people you really didn’t know but wanted to chime in just because you needed to be heard. The horrific pictures of Rihanna’s face quickly were distributed for all to […]

We all have moments in our life where truth is key. The hardest part for most people is the ability to say goodbye. We all like to hang onto things even when we know they are bad for us. I have seen dozens of people hang on to relationships that should end, all for the […]