Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell

This week on Get Up & Move, Erica Campbell’s trainer Dawn Strozier shares three powerful exercises to strengthen your core.

The Word Network CEO Kevin Adell is under fire after sharing a racially insensitive meme to his Black pastor friend, Bishop George Blooomer. 

GRIFF says if it Popeyes' fried turkey promo goes anything like the popular fried chicken sandwich went, they might want to simmer down.

It shouldn’t be a quick decision, but be honest with yourself, Erica Campbell recommends.

Someone asked Erica Campbell what she was afraid of and she didn't have an answer.

In today’s Ericaism, Erica Campbell encourages listeners to think deep and get to the source of why they feel what they feel. 

Nosey, extra neighbors. We’ve all had at least one.

Jimmy Carter, the oldest living former president, is recovering on-the-go after a fall he made while getting ready for church.