

Dear God: Fortify us with strength, courage and power to move and overcome every attack the enemy sends, no matter the source. When Jesus spoke…

Recap Bishop Ron meets up with his sister Shawn who is thriving in rehab.  Bishop Ron  talks to his niece who is struggling. Family ties…

Historically black colleges and universities are a cornerstone of the black community and the American education system. There are still 105 HBCUs operating today. Their value…


Dear God: Please hear our groans, even as you are working strong on our behalf despite what we see, think or feel. Many of us…

 Welcome To Our New Franchise  The Hot Seat!  Ever wanted to ask a pastor, first lady, writer a burning question? Well, that is exactly what…

Pick #1 Forever Only, his 200 years of experience make him far ahead of the game, which of course impresses his partner, who will no…

Recap: Tensions boil over as an epic face-to-face showdown erupts over the status of Bishop Noel and Loretta’s relationship.Bishop Ron decides he does not want…


So here’s a question, how many songs in the history of music were written about breaking up? That’s what I was thinking – Too Many…

Labor Day has come to be celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic end of the summer. In high society, Labor Day is (or was)…

You would think that after being on a nationally syndicated television show for about two months straight with approximately 3 million people around the world…


Dear God:  I am confident that you will manifest the desires you placed in my heart, no matter the process. Many of us labor over…


Editor’s Note: The best part about being an editor is giving voice to many.  Derek Minor has always spoken his truth. He was formerly known…