Bishop Secular

 Bishop Secular went for a joy ride the other day and saw a panhandler holding a sign that read: “See if you can hit me with…

 Bishop Secular got together with a few of his boys with cash to discuss buying the L.A. Clippers. He figured it would be fitting to have…

 Bishop Secular says everyone is leaking tapes. Whether it’s a tape of people doing something or saying something, they have no problem putting themselves on blast.…

 Bishop Secular says you shouldn’t have to do what’s in a persons will if it sounds too far fetched. Listen to the hilarious audio to hear…

Can Christians drink alcohol? Bishop Secular says he personally doesn’t know or care if a little gin will make you sin, but listen to the audio player…

Bishop Secular wants all the new preachers to slow down! Listen to the audio player to hear how a new preacher at Bishop’s church wanted to…

Bishop Secular says there will be a lot going on at churches around the world this Sunday. Listen to the audio player to hear three things…

Bishop Secular decided to stop by choir rehearsal to hear what songs would be sung on Sunday. When he got there he said the choir was moaning…

Unsaved husbands vs. saved husbands. Is there really a difference besides one not having a relationship with God? Listen to the audio player as Bishop Secular delves…

Bishop Secular hears the Lord a little better when he whispers. Listen to the audio player to hear why we don’t need the loudness all the…

Bishop Secular was buying yet another car, when he got some weird vibes from the salesman. He said he can’t stand pastors that drive around in…

Bishop Secular is being sued yet again! Listen to the audio player to hear what one of the church members is suing him for this time!…