Xavier University of Louisiana, located in a western neighborhood of New Orleans, produces the highest number of Black medical students in the nation, the New York…

A study on obesity in adolescents found that Black girls’ physical activity declines at twice the rate of white girls as they reach adulthood. SEE ALSO: 10 Most Watched YouTube Videos Of 2011

After years of believing overeating is simply a matter of will, or rather lack their of, scientists are now discovering that food addiction, much like addiction to illicit drugs, is caused by a change in brain chemistry. Experts at Yale University are among a community of researchers exploring the science of food addiction and debunking […]

“Food desert” is a term commonly used to describe communities with little or no access to healthy food, including fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and diary products. Millions of Americans — mostly poor, many African-Americans — live in these areas. In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture reports that about 23.5 million Americans currently live […]