
Today on Marriage Beyond The Vows we discussed Communication. Are you and your spouse communicating effectively? Callers called-in and gave their opinion and asked for advice. Check out today's segment of Marriage Beyond The Vows.

The modern American couple starts life with a heavy financial burden: In a big city like Chicago, the average wedding costs between $22,500 and $37,500. Yet in the 1930s, it was cheap, costing around $400. There’s no question that wedding prices are out of control. What went wrong? Timothy Long is the costume curator of […]

Last week I talked about how interracial dating can go wrong by citing a certain website that is designed exclusively for those desiring only interracial relationships.

Hosted by Tiffany Bacon Single Valentine (Hour 1 of 2) Single Valentine (Hour 2 of 2)

In my last post, “Manolos Vs. Maddens: A Lesson About Why Men Don’t Pursue,” I dealt with the question of why some men just don’t pursue to numerous quality women that are in their lives.