Women’s Health

By Kelly L. Jackson Whenever I get together with a group of girlfriends, our conversation ranges through many things.  Men, Relationships, Finances, Reality TV are popular subjects we discuss.  Lately, I find myself in ciphers with women giving their first-hand accounts or stories about someone they know who has fibroids.  The subject has connected women […]

As a single, busy woman living in New York City, sick wasn't a part of my vocabulary when I entered the last year of my 20s. Nonetheless, it soon found its way into my life.

Your busy lifestyle leaves little time for pampering skin care. The result: Your skin isn’t the baby-soft body glove you were born with. As you age, your skin gradually becomes thinner and finely wrinkled. Oil-producing (sebaceous) glands grow less active, leaving your skin drier. The number of blood vessels in your skin decreases, your skin […]

Are you concerned about the health of your bones as you age? Maybe the best way to treat those issues is to prevent them.

With the arrival of spring and summer, it’s time for your toes to make their seasonal debut. But although you want to make them look good as fast as possible, you’ve also got to think about how you can keep them safe and infection-free. Otherwise, you might end up with some surprise results, like a […]

Sometimes those extra 10 minutes of sleep we get from hitting the snooze button in the morning are not enough.

By Robin Downes The affects that food has on our physical health are widely known, what is less known is the affect food can have on our mood, memory, and mind. Food filled with sugar and carbohydrates can result in not only weight gain, but also memory loss and depression. Nevertheless, food with the right […]

I think we have all long known what John Gray put down in words in his bestseller, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: There are differences between the sexes, not just physically, but psychologically. And a new study being published in the May issue of Personality Individual Differences reinforces that belief.

What is anemia? Anemia occurs when your blood doesn't have enough hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. A common cause of anemia is not having enough iron.

Women are twice as likely to experience depression than men. Learn what symptoms to look for and how to cope.

Did you know that you can reverse the aging process that slows down your brain? Get the details here.

What is an episiotomy? This use to be a common word during childbirth, but not so much anymore. Today is it risky to have an episiotomy?