Lamont Award

Today’s Lamont Award goes to woman who gets arrested at her wedding reception. Listen to see what happens.

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a man who walked into Starbucks and started throwing money in the air on St. Patricks day. Check out today’s segment to hear all about it!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a man who forced a gun fight with police over the price of a burrito. Check out today’s segment to hear all about it!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a man who tried to rob a pair of sisters at their house with a knife. Check out today’s segment to hear how the woman fought back and scared this robber away.

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a man who was assaulted for taking a picture of another man’s unusual hair style. Check out today’s segment to hear all about it!

Find Out what the Lamont Award is for today

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a 52 year-old man who set fire to a Days-Inn motel. Check out the audio to hear more!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a man who jumps into a crocodile pit and gets attacked! Check out the audio to hear more of today’s Lamont Award.

Today’s Lamont award goes to the NFL for their upcoming lock out and a burglar who gets stuck in a hamper! Listen to the audio to hear more!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a robber who broke into a police station for food and coffee! Listen to the audio to hear more of this hilarious segment.

Today’s Lamont Award goes to an intruder who called 911 after the owners of the home returns while he’s taking a shower.  Check out the audio to hear more!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a woman who was kicked for trying to pet a moose. Check out today’s segment to hear all about it!