Lamont Award

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a man who lost his pants while trying to get away after stealing packs of beef. Check out today’s Lamont Award to hear all about it!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a man in Florida that was arrested for selling pot laced cupcakes. Check out today’s segment to hear all about it!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a homeless man who robbed a bank and gave all the money to the people at the bus stop. Check out today’s segment to hear all about it!

Today’s Lamont award goes to a man who steals his neighbors’ car and parks it in his drive-way. Check out the audio to hear more of this story!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to those who are getting married and trying to have a wedding outside of their financial means. Check out today’s segment to hear all about it!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a man who ended up with 6 months of jail after getting mad at Judge’s orginal 2 day sentence. Check out today’s segment to hear all about it!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a man for jumping on people in the bar for being denied a drink. Check out today’s segment to hear all about it!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a woman who threw a utensil at a man in a restaurant for him talking too loud on the phone. Check out today’s segment to hear all about it!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to an employee who tells a robber to shoot her. Check out the audio to hear more!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a man who lost a bet and had to steal from Walmart while being naked. Check out today’s segment to hear all about it!

Today’s Lamont Award goes to the New York Bronx Zoo and the infamous Egyptian Cobra that disappeared. Check out the audio to hear more! RELATED: More Lamont Awards On

Today’s Lamont Award goes to a group of men who planned to rob the pizza delivery guy. Check out today’s segment to hear how their phone played an important role to getting them arrested.